Follow these 6 easy steps to protect your pool through the winter.
1. Make sure your offline chlorinator is bypassed. Remove the tubing from one end of the chlorinator and attach it to the other post nipple connected to the pipe. Empty out the water in the chlorinator that is remaining, by turning it upside down.
2. Make sure if you have a bypass on your heater that it is open and water is flowing through the bypass and heater.
3. Make sure if you have a waste line that has a ball valve on it that a plug is installed on the opening of this line inside the filter and the water is drained by opening the valve to release the water.
4. Any water features need to be protected. These can stay running, but with cold air the water can turn to ice and this can cause your water level in the pool to drop and potentially allow the skimmers to suck in air and cause the water to not be able to flow which can have potential freeze damage.
5. Any auto fill devices or additional pipes that have water in them that can’t move and have not been winterized will need to be drained, or at the very least covered and heat tape used to protect from freezing.
6. Lastly, make sure to remove any water from your garden hoses in case you need to add water to your pool. The water in the hoses can freeze and prevent you from using them until they are thawed.
Remember, if you need help or have questions we're always here to help! Please call us at Swim World Pools at 615-452-POOL (7665)